
Love in the Library


I’ve been burning up our local library’s downloadable collection more than usual these last few weeks.  My most recent read is Mambo in Chinatown written by Jean Kwok, a book I checked out because the title intrigued me.  For the longest time, I only read nonfiction, history and/or bio/memoirs mostly, but lately I’ve been branching out into fiction and (this is my dirty little secret) YA.  I love my library, I love that it’s right around the corner from my house and I can walk there.  I love it that the staff seems to always have time for a quick book discussion or recommendation.  I love that I can settle into a comfortable chair and knit the afternoon away without odd looks or feeling that I should move along and free up space for “real readers”.  I love seeing my tax dollars at work!  I love my library!

Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.  Buddha